there's nothing wrong with you. you are not broken.
the system just wasn't designed for people like us.
any shame you feel—because of the way you look, because of how your brain works, because you believe you’re not good enough, because of all kinds of things you have absolutely no control over...that's not a you problem. that's a society problem.
good news: we don't have to listen to them.
annoying news: we do have to fix it.
we have more power than we realize. we can do this our own way. we can let go of the self-judgments.
we can reject CELEBRATE our 'otherness'.
we can destroy narratives of normativity and social paradigms that harm us. we can choose to embrace all of who we are.
there is no “right way” to be in this world.
f*ck their rules.
it’s time we wrote our own.